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I've already got the Tree of Life T Shirt.
What on earth were you thinking when you produced a garish cover proclaiming that "Darwin was wrong" (24 January)?
First, it's false, and second, it's inflammatory. And, as you surely know, many readers will interpret the cover not as being about Darwin, the historical figure, but about evolution.
Nothing in the article showed that the concept of the tree of life is unsound; only that it is more complicated than was realised before the advent of molecular genetics. It is still true that all of life arose from "a few forms or... one", as Darwin concluded in The Origin of Species. It is still true that it diversified by descent with modification via natural selection and other factors.
Of course there's a tree; it's just more of a banyan than an oak at its single-celled-organism base. The problem of horizontal gene-transfer in most non-bacterial species is not serious enough to obscure the branches we find by sequencing their DNA.
The accompanying editorial makes it clear that you knew perfectly well that your cover was handing the creationists a golden opportunity to mislead school boards, students and the general public about the status of evolutionary biology. Indeed, within hours of publication members of the Texas State Board of Education were citing the article as evidence that teachers needed to teach creationist-inspired "weaknesses of evolution", claiming: "Darwin's tree of life is wrong".
You have made a lot of extra, unpleasant work for the scientists whose work you should be explaining to the general public. We all now have to try to correct all the misapprehensions your cover has engendered.
• Find a longer version of this letter online.
my emphasis as a blockquote.
Many biologists now argue that the tree concept is obsolete and needs to be discarded. "We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality," says Bapteste. That bombshell has even persuaded some that our fundamental view of biology needs to change.
So what happened? In a nutshell, DNA.
The basic idea was simple: the more closely related two species are (or the more recently their branches on the tree split), the more alike their DNA, RNA and protein sequences ought to be.
This led to, among other successes, the unexpected discovery of a previously unknown major branch of the tree of life, the unicellular archaea, which were previously thought to be bacteria.
By the mid-1980s there was great optimism that molecular techniques would finally reveal the universal tree of life in all its glory. Ironically, the opposite happened.
The problems began in the early 1990s when it became possible to sequence actual bacterial and archaeal genes rather than just RNA. Everybody expected these DNA sequences to confirm the RNA tree, and sometimes they did but, crucially, sometimes they did not. RNA, for example, might suggest that species A was more closely related to species B than species C, but a tree made from DNA would suggest the reverse.
Which was correct? Paradoxically, both - but only if the main premise underpinning Darwin's tree was incorrect.
Darwin assumed that descent was exclusively "vertical", with organisms passing traits down to their offspring. But what if species also routinely swapped genetic material with other species, or hybridised with them? Then that neat branching pattern would quickly degenerate into an impenetrable thicket of interrelatedness, with species being closely related in some respects but not others.
We now know that this is exactly what happens. As more and more genes were sequenced, it became clear that the patterns of relatedness could only be explained if bacteria and archaea were routinely swapping genetic material with other species - often across huge taxonomic distances - in a process called horizontal gene transfer (HGT). (wikipedia) - See image HGT - This is a image of the more or less current tree of life showing the 5 kingdoms and how genetic inheritance is now thought to be not exactly vertical but also includes horizontal gene inheritance via at least virus infection and maybe other routes such as the incorporation of mitochondria and plastids as symbiotic partners within Eukaryote cells.
Surprisingly, HGT also turns out to be the rule rather than the exception in the third great domain of life, the eukaryotes. For a start, it is increasingly accepted that the eukaryotes originated by the fusion of two prokaryotes, one bacterial and the other archaeal, forming this part of the tree into a ring rather than a branch (Nature, vol 41, p 152).
"If there is a tree of life, it's a small anomalous structure growing out of the web of life," says John Dupré, a philosopher of biology at the University of Exeter, UK.
For example, hybridisation clearly plays an important role in the evolution of plants. According to Loren Rieseberg, a botanist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, around 14 per cent of living plant species are the product of the fusion of two separate lineages.
HGT has been documented in insects, fish and plants, and a few years ago a piece of snake DNA was found in cows. The most likely agents of this genetic shuffling are viruses, which constantly cut and paste DNA from one genome into another, often across great taxonomic distances.
40 to 50 per cent of the human genome consists of DNA imported horizontally by viruses, some of which has taken on vital biological functions (New Scientist, 27 August 2008, p 38). The same is probably true of the genomes of other big animals.
downgrading the tree of life doesn't mean that the theory of evolution is wrong - just that evolution is not as tidy as we would like to believe. Some evolutionary relationships are tree-like; many others are not. "We should relax a bit on this," says Doolittle. "We understand evolution pretty well - it's just that it is more complex than Darwin imagined. The tree isn't the only pattern."
We're clearly going to see evolution as much more about mergers and collaboration than change within isolated lineages."
If he is right, the tree concept could become biology's equivalent of Newtonian mechanics: revolutionary and hugely successful in its time, but ultimately too simplistic to deal with the messy real world. "The tree of life was useful," says Bapteste. "It helped us to understand that evolution was real. But now we know more about evolution, it's time to move on."
MPs are being urged to give their support to an Early Day Motion tabled in the House of Commons to make Charles Darwin’s birthday – 12th February – an annual public holiday.
The motion, tabled by Ashok Kumar MP, which has already received the support of ten other MPs says:
That this House notes the extraordinary achievements of Charles Darwin; notes that 2009 marks both the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species; welcomes proposals for the creation of a Darwin Day in recognition of the ground-breaking work of the British scientist responsible for the theory of evolution by natural selection; and calls for Darwin's birthday, 12 February, to be designated a public holiday in honour of one of the fathers of modern science and one of Britain's greatest, if not the greatest, scientific minds.
2009 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of ‘On the Origin of Species’ and campaigners are making use of these anniversaries to redouble their efforts to have the day marked officially. In 2003, over 40 distinguished academics, philosophers, scientists and writers called for a new public holiday, including philosopher Simon Blackburn, biologist Richard Dawkins, co-discoverer of DNA Francis Crick, author Philip Pullman and writer and broadcaster Claire Rayner. Members of the public are being urged to write to their own MP to request their support for the motion.
Andrew Copson, BHA Director of Education and Public Affairs said, ‘Charles Darwin is one of the greatest and most influential thinkers who ever lived and one of Britain’s greatest scientists. In the middle of February we could all do with an extra public holiday and recognition of this particular day would be a great way of celebrating Britain’s great contribution to science, reason and freethought.’
The British Humanist Association supports the campaign to have Darwin Day made a public holiday and is running its own series of events in 2009 to celebrate Darwin’s anniversary.
You can read the EDM (number 377) here
You can email your MP and urge him or her to sign EDM 377
For further comment, contact Andrew Copson by email or on 020 7079 3584 or 07534 248596
The British Humanist Association (BHA) is the national charity representing the interests of the large and growing population of ethically concerned non-religious people living in the UK. It exists to support and represent such people, who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs.
If all species were designed, it was hardly by someone intelligent
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Charles Darwin would probably love the fact that the 200th anniversary of his birth is being celebrated with radio shows, documentaries and exhibitions, but he might not have enjoyed the way that furious Christians still despise his theories and try to prove the Bible is more reliable.
For example, the Discovery Institute has announced that: "We want students everywhere to speak out... for the right to debate the evidence against evolution and turn 'Darwin Day' into 'Academic Freedom Day'."
But they're lucky Darwin isn't forced on us the way religion has been, otherwise the national anthem would start: "Our Gracious Queen will be saved or not according to a series of factors that are sod-all to do with God," and once a week school assemblies would start with everyone singing: "All things biological/ All matter sweet or frightening/ Are Godless, real and logical/ See – where's the bleeding lightning?"
The creationists demand that biblical theories are taught alongside Darwin's theories of natural selection, which might sound reasonable except that creationism depends not on evidence but on faith. If all theories are given equal status, teachers could say: "Your essays on the cause of tornadoes were very good. Nathan's piece detailing the impact of warm moist air colliding with cool air, with original sources from the Colorado Weather Bureau, contained some splendid detail. But Samatha's piece that went "Because God is cross" was just as good so you all get a B+."
To improve their standing the anti-Darwin lobby have changed their tactics, so now instead of arguing for creationism they call their theory "intelligent design".
Mostly this consists of trying to illustrate how species are too complex to have been formed by nature. But then they can't help themselves, so you get articles such as the one by prominent advocate of intelligent design, David Berlinski, that starts: "Charles Darwin says, 'In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals.' Another man, Adolf Hitler says 'Let us kill all the Jews of Europe.' Is there a connection? Yes is the obvious answer."
So there we are – study the differences between finches and you're half way to organising a holocaust.
The founders of intelligent design are nearly all creationists, and one of their books, Of Pandas and People, is identical to a book used by creationists. Except that, after a ruling in the US Supreme Court that creationism couldn't be taught in schools, the word "creationist" was deleted throughout, and replaced with "intelligent design".
The new theory, where it is new, states there are many species that can't have become the way they are through gradual evolution, because if you remove any one part of them the whole structure would collapse. So they must have been created whole, as they are now, without changing. But
this ignores the beauty of Darwin's discovery, which is that species change not because they're on a march towards perfection but by accident.
What may be ideal for survival one day is no good once the environment has changed. For example if it gets colder, or the colour of the surroundings changes, the individuals in a species best suited to the new conditions will be the ones to last, and the species becomes altered.
Survival of the fittest means those accidentally matching the requirements of a new situation, not the creatures most prone to winning a scrap.
Otherwise by now the only hamsters to survive would be those ones who could pick up the wheel and smash it over their mate's head, and the only surviving parrots would be the ones squawking: "Who wants some? Who wants some?"
And this dominance of the accidental is the most damning argument against intelligent design, because if all species were designed, it was hardly done by someone intelligent. If it was, how do you account for the parasitic wasp that lays eggs on its prey so they hatch and eat its victim while it's still alive?
More to the point, why are your most sensitive nerves at the end of your toe, where they're most likely to get walloped? Why are men's nuts in such a vulnerable location, ay? Bloody vindictive design that is. Why do dogs do the squashiest, most unpleasant turds that hide in the grass and spread themselves in the indentations on the bottom of your shoe, but don't start smelling until you get indoors and then render the place uninhabitable until you've left every window open for a month? Why, why, why?
Come on intelligent design people, the questions you have to answer have barely begun.
Not everyone accepts the theory of evolution. This month, as part of our Darwin forum, Paul Craze invites you to discuss the question "just how good is the evidence for evolution?"
Scientific theories stand or fall on their ability to account for the available evidence and to accurately predict the outcome of experiments designed to test them. That is all. No matter who came up with the theory, no matter how clever they are or were, no matter how elegant their ideas, no matter how many programs have been made about them by the BBC or years dedicated to honour their birthdays; if there is enough good, reliable evidence that the theory is wrong then it is wrong.
And so the question “Just how good is the evidence for evolution?” is of vital importance. In fact, we should probably recognise two questions here; firstly, “Just how good is the evidence for natural selection?” and then “Just how good is the evidence for the larger scale processes of evolution?”.
There is an enormous body of reliable evidence that natural selection is a real biological process capable of altering the characteristics of populations over time. Such classic examples as industrial melanism in the peppered moth are the tip of a very large iceberg of studies that confirm the reality of natural selection.
As a rule, the larger scale processes of evolution (those that have caused the diversification of a single, ancient, ancestral lineage into the full array of organisms we see today) cannot be seen directly and so are more difficult to test. Except in a few unusual cases they take far too long for us to have any hope of seeing them actually taking place.
The fact that they have occurred and continue to occur must be inferred from indirect observations, in much the same way as the guilt or innocence of someone tried for a murder is inferred from the evidence by the judge and jury, none of whom actually witnessed the crime.
We have essentially two lines of evidence: the snapshots we have of the process of evolution occurring in the past (the fossil record) and the organisms we see alive today (which have evolved and continue to evolve).
Increasingly the evidence from current organisms includes their DNA, which is being shown to contain many indications of past evolution. The critical role of this evidence means it has to be considered objectively and honestly with any assumptions and uncertainties clearly stated. It also means multiple lines of evidence have to be considered together in order to come up with a conclusion based on “the balance of probabilities”.
Again, the analogy of a criminal trial is useful here. Convictions are usually made based on conclusions that are “beyond reasonable doubt” rather than definite. The judge and jury must weigh up multiple lines of evidence some of which may be uncertain or even appear contradictory.
It works most of the time and in those cases where mistakes are made it is always because new evidence comes to light. The similarities to the process of science are very clear. And so in this theme there is the opportunity to present and examine the available evidence openly and honestly and subject the theory of evolution to yet another re-trial. Let us see if it emerges “beyond reasonable doubt” as the most likely explanation.
Content last updated: 27/11/2008
But in some ways it is less radical and topical than his other, more philosophical legacy: that order can generate itself, that the living world is a ‘bottom-up’ place.On the internet, Darwinian unordained order is now ubiquitous as never before.
Faithful reproduction, occasional random variation and selective survival can be a surprisingly progressive and cumulative force: it can gradually build things of immense complexity.Indeed, it can make something far more complex than a conscious, deliberate designer ever could: with apologies to William Paley and Richard Dawkins, it can make a watchmaker.
Ideas evolve by descent with modification, just as bodies do, and Darwin at least partly got this idea from economists, who got it from empirical philosophers.
Locke and Newton begat Hume and Voltaire who begat Hutcheson and Smith who begat Malthus and Ricardo who begat Darwin and Wallace.
Before Darwin, the supreme example of an undesigned system was Adam Smith’s economy, spontaneously self-ordered through the actions of individuals, rather than ordained by a monarch or a parliament.
Where Darwin defenestrated God, Smith had defenestrated government.Neatly, this year also sees a Smith anniversary, the 250th birthday of his first book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, a book that is very Darwinian in its insistence that sympathy is what we would today call innate, that people are naturally nice as well as naturally nasty.
Yet if the market needs no central planner, why should life need an intelligent designer?Conversely, in the average European biol- ogy laboratory you will find fervent believers in the individualist, emergent, decentralised properties of genomes who prefer dirigiste determinism to bring order to the economy.
Was it a coincidence that Darwin read Malthus, probably not for the first time, in October 1838, just as he was looking for a mechanism to explain evolution?
Malthus taught Darwin the bleak lesson that overbreeding must end in pestilence, famine or violence — and hence gave him the insight that in a struggle for existence, survival could be selective. But the notion that, with random variation, this selective survival could then generate complexity and sophistication where there had been none before, that it is a cumulative and creative force, is entirely his. It is also one that applies to more than the bodies of living beings.
Technology is a case in point. Although engineers are under the fond illusion that they design things, nearly all of what they do consists of nudging forward descent with modification.Every technology has traceable ancestry; ‘to create is to recombine’ said the geneticist François Jacob.
Just like living systems, technologies experience mutation (such as the invention of the spinning jenny), reproduction (the rapid mechanisation of the cotton industry as manufacturers copied each others’ machines), sex (Samuel Crompton’s combination of water frame and jenny to make a ‘mule’), competition (different designs competing in the early cotton mills), extinction (the spinning jenny was obsolete by 1800), and increasing complexity (modern cotton mills are electrified and computerised).
The first motor car was once described by the historian L.T.C. Rolt as ‘sired by the bicycle out of the horse carriage’.
Technology also experiences progress and ‘arms races’ between competitors. Just as a modern horse could outrun a Mesohippus three-toed horse from 30 million years ago, so a car can outrun a horse-drawn carriage. Yet horses can only just go fast enough to escape today’s lions, and Land Rovers can only just perform well enough to maintain market share against Toyotas.
Such running to stay in the same (improving) place is known to biologists as a Red Queen process after the character in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass.Software inventors have learnt to recognise the power of trial and error rather than deliberate design. Beginning with ‘genetic algorithms’ in the 1980s, they designed programmes that would experiment with changes in their sequence till they solved the problem set for them. Then gradually the open-source software movement emerged by which users themselves altered programmes and shared their improvements with each other. Linux and Apache are operating systems designed by such democratic methods, but the practice has long spread beyond programmers.
Wikipedia is a bottom-up knowledge repository and, though far from flawless, is proving easily capable, even in its first flush of youth, of matching expert-written encyclopaedias for accuracy and reach. It grows by natural selection among edits.The internet is an increasingly Darwinian place, where decentralised, self-organising sophistication holds sway: swarm intelligence is the fashionable term. Trey Ratcliff, founder of a computer games company in Texas, tells me he feels more like a victim than a designer of technology’s evolution: ‘saying Edison invented the phonograph is like saying a spider invented silk’.
The supreme example of bottom-up, rather than top-down, complexity is the market itself. As the economist Paul Seabright has written, the almost miraculous system by which he can go out and buy a cotton shirt on a whim — and expect the cotton grower, the weaver, the shirtmaker, the shipper and the retailer to have got it ready for him just when he enters the shop — is not planned or designed, it evolves. The top-down alternative does not have a great track record. Can you doubt that if the shirt industry was run by a National Shirt Service, there would now be queues, quotas and shortages?Dirigisme has a place, of course, in the regulation and operation if not the design of institutions. A school cannot work without a teacher, a firm without a manager, or an army without a general — just as a body is directed by a brain in its everyday operations. But hubristic human beings tend to exaggerate the degree to which they are in charge of, rather than at the mercy of, organisations.
The human body may have come about through three billion years of natural selection among genes, but civilisation and prosperity came from 50,000 years of much more rapid natural selection among ideas.It is easily possible to blunt genetic selection in the name of kindness, while allowing cultural selection to continue: the death of an idea need not be cruel.
In each episode of the Sony Award winning series Beyond Belief, Ernie Rea is joined by three guests who discuss how their particular religious tradition affects their values and way of looking at the world, often revealing hidden and contradictory truths.
As part of the Darwin season on Radio 4, Beyond Belief examines religious reactions to Darwin's Origin of the Species - from the 19th century to the present day.
A Jew, a Christian and a Muslim share their perspectives on their Scriptures creation narratives before examining the reasons why some of their fellow believers are threatened by evolutionary theory.
tells Darwinabout his own experiences as a collector, medic and geneticist.
From early January 2009
The BBC begins a series of programmes on Darwin. Melvyn Bragg kicks off the season with a four-part documentary asking why Darwin's writings remain so influential.
Other offerings include 'The Darwinian Sistine Chapel', which charts artist Tania Kovats's project of decorating the Natural History Museum's ceiling based on Darwinian theories, in the manner of Michelangelo's vision of creation in the Vatican.
British Library, London NW1, to 22 March 2009 (0870 444 1500
; www.bl.uk)
This innovative exhibition offers insight into how Darwin developed his evolutionary idea by producing a replica of his "sand walk" – a route he trod every day with his terrier. On this, he observed nature and reflected on his experiments and travels on the 'Beagle'; piecing his theory together. This playful idea complements the rich collection of letters owned by the British Library and revealing the private Darwin – a humorous, emotional and charmingly modest man.
Cambridge University, 5–10 July 2009 (www.darwin2009.cam.ac.uk)
A predominantly academic event, with the programme including debates on Darwin's impact on human nature and belief, focus sessions on fields influenced by Darwin, such as science ('On the Origin of Species': speciation studies now) and the arts (Darwin in poetry, music and on stage). Other events involve tours of the University Botanic Gardens and fringe events (live music, street theatre and soapbox talks) by Cambridge Footlights.
The Royal Society of Literature, Royal Society and Somerset House Trust will present 'The Life in the Stone – Charles Darwin, The Geology, The Poetry', with Padel reading from her book 'Darwin – A Life in Poems', with a response by Richard Fortey, on 9 February 2009. Contact the Royal Society of Literature on 020-7845 4676
'Darwin: My Ancestor', four programmes written and presented by Ruth Padel, will be broadcast on Radio 4 every Tuesday for four weeks from 27 January at 9.30am.
'Darwin – A Life in Poems' is published by Chatto and Windus on 12 February at £12.99
Scientists have been studying the banded snail for many years and have found that the darker shell types tend to be more common in woodland where the background colour is brown, while in grass the banded snails tend to be lighter-coloured, yellow and more stripy. This camouflage is an example of adaptation.
We want your help to find out whether this pattern can still be found, because there has been a big decrease in the numbers of song thrushes in some places over the last 30 years. If there are fewer song thrushes about, you would expect the different snails to be less faithful to their particular habitats than they used to be.
There is also a geographical pattern in the colour of shells that we think may have changed in response to the warming of the climate over the last 30 years. Darker shells used to be more common in the north than in the south. We think this was because darker shells warm up more quickly in sunlight, enabling the animals to be more active than light-coloured snails in colder areas.
Help us find out whether lighter coloured shells are more common further north than they used to be, now that the climate has become warmer.
We have collected together all the historical records of banded snail shell patterns that we can find. There are many thousands of them, mainly collected at least 30 years ago. Do a survey of your own and when you register and enter your data the website will automatically search our historical database and show you any changes that have occurred in your area. Visit the Instructions page to get started.